Serving the Toronto, GTA, and Kingston Regions
Serving the Toronto, GTA, and Kingston Regions
Grande Environmental Projects Ltd. (GEP) exists because many people are faced with environmental problems in and around their home or office on a daily basis. These issues can reduce property value, have a negative impact on quality of life and may reduce worker productivity. The mandate of GEP is simple: help home and business owners enhance environmental quality and improve daily living and working conditions.
GEP has been an evolving enterprise over the last 12 years. At its foundation is the belief that human beings cannot live happy and healthy lives unless they are living in harmony with the environments that surround them. A proactive approach to monitoring your environment and correcting problems early is essential. The natural and artificial environments we all live and work in must be assessed regularly to determine if we are exposing ourselves or our assets to environmental problems such as harmful allergens, biological contaminates, and soil or water contamination.
Often there is a clear understanding of the problem and the negative effects associated with that problem. Other times more thorough investigation by a skilled, trained, and environmentally minded professional is needed to determine the nature and characteristics of the problem. Once the information has been gathered, which often includes laboratory analysis, a tailored solution can be developed.
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